What is a Pre-Hire Letter?

When you’re looking to begin your truck driving career, you may hear of or even find yourself with one or several pre-hire letters. If you are unfamiliar with these, we’ll help explain what a pre-hire letter is, and how they benefit you as a new driver.
Understanding Pre-Hires
A pre-hire is a letter from a trucking company stating that you appear to meet their basic employment requirements. These letters are given to new or potential students – meaning you do not have to have a CDL to receive a pre-hire letter. The letters act as an intend-to-hire once you complete your CDL training program and obtain your license. These letters don’t guarantee employment, and you may receive several pre-hire letters from different companies at once.
What is the Benefit of Pre-Hire Letters?
Both new drivers and companies benefit from pre-hire letters. The trucking companies we partner with know that we graduate quality truck drivers. By pre-hiring our students, companies are able to fill their employment vacancies faster, with more trustworthy drivers. For the student, they know they have a job waiting for them as soon as they graduate!
How to Get a Pre-Hire Letter
At United States Truck Driving School, we regularly host company recruiter visits and truck driver job fairs. These events are free and open to anyone interested in starting a career as a truck driver.
Each recruiter visit presents the opportunity to meet future employers in person. You’ll be able to learn more about the driver positions available, and will learn more about starting your truck driving career.
When you attend any of these events, you have the potential to leave with another pre-hire letter!
Questions To Ask
These recruiter events are open to students, graduates, and the general public. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. If you’ve never been to one, you may wonder what to expect, or what questions to ask.
Here are a few things you may want to ask when considering pre-hires from several companies:
- Are there any benefits associated with this position?
- Are most of your routes long hauls or shorter day trips?
- What would an employee expect from your company?
- What does your company expect from your employees?
If you’re ready to receive a pre-hire letter (or several!) stop by our next recruiter event! See which companies will be visiting each campus, so you can prepare for your new career