Do Female Truckers Exist?

When most people imagine a truck driver, they imagine a burly man with a trucker hat and maybe a flannel shirt. This is not surprising since the trucking industry has traditionally been male-dominated. However, more and more women are starting to become truck drivers.
Benefits of Trucking for Everyone
While this field has traditionally been comprised of men, women should be aware of some of the benefits that the trucking industry offers. As a truck driver, you’re paid to travel and see the country, you have the ability to be your own boss, and your schedule is often flexible, allowing you to work when you want. For those that have families, being home every night is important to them, making local driving an even better option within the industry. While these are just some of the benefits, there are many others that often draw people into the career.
Women In Trucking
It can be hard for women to start out in any profession that is male-dominated. Women are often seen as being fragile, too feminine, or even incapable of doing this type of work. Though these ideas are common, there isn’t much truth behind them. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 9.1% of professional drivers are women, but this number is growing every year! Women in Trucking presented “Top 50 Companies for Women to Work for in Transportation,” demonstrating that employers are actively making an effort to recruit more female truck drivers because of the qualities they bring to the table.
Characteristics of a Good Trucker
As more women enter the industry, we’re learning the specific skills they have that make them great candidates for trucking. Like with other jobs, professional drivers need to be able to learn quickly, drive safely, and pay attention to details. Thankfully, these are all areas in which women excel. Truckers also need to be reliable and able to manage their time and stress effectively, all things women are inherently able to do.
Trucking can often be tough, but the benefits are rewarding. Each year more and more women are starting to see how a career in the trucking industry can be a positive experience for anyone!
United States Truck Driving School can get you on the road to a great, new career! If you are interested in being a part of this growing industry, call us today to get started! 303-848-8443
Updated March 2023