It’s Been a While Since I Got My CDL. Do I Need a Refresher?

Educators, doctors, and nurses take continuing education classes to keep up on new developments, techniques, and discoveries in their field. Does it make sense for truck drivers to do the same?

Truckers play a large part in moving the nation’s economy. Every morning you climb behind the wheel of a semi in the rain, shine, sleet, or snow to pilot 80,000 lbs across the country. Safe truck driving skills make the difference between safely sharing the road each day and headline-making accidents.

While there are many reasons to enroll in a CDL refresher course, consider these few situations:

I’m Returning to Truck Driving After ___ Years

Whether you left a life on the road for a long stint in the army, took some time off as a “house husband,” started a career in law enforcement or teaching, much has changed in the years you were away.

Safety technology has transformed the truck. New tighter federal regulations have been put into place regarding the maximum time you’re allowed behind the wheel. Or,  you may be carrying a different type of hazmat cargos.

Not only will a CDL refresher course allow you to brush up on your driving skills, but it will bring you up to speed on these and other changes.

I want to keep driving, but these long hauls are tiring…

If you’ve been OTR for some time, maybe you’ve been thinking about using your driving skills as a bus driver or delivery truck courier. Or maybe you’re ready for semi-retiring and driving a school bus for additional income. In either case, or similar ones, enrolling in a CDL refresher course will help you adapt your skills in shifting, backing up, and other road skills to serve you better on local roads and streets.

Trucking industry standards have changed…

The past decade has seen new regulations like mandated electronic logging devices (ELD), speed limiters, and static machines to calculate shipment sizes. Add to this the growth of multi-modal transport and stricter driver drug testing, and it’s easy to see why your head is spinning. A CDL refresher course can take you through all the ins, outs, and whys of the changes taking place.

CDL Refresher courses at United States Truck Driving School can be customized to meet your specific needs. Classes can range from a few hours of instruction to a full 40-Hour one-on-one program, or the entire 192-Hour program.

Ready to make a transition in your career, or take your driving career to the next level? Get started in a recertification CDL program, or customize a course just for you. Give us a call today! 303-848-8443