United States Truck Driving School of Colorado | Blog

Do you drive a truck? - United States Truck Driving School

Written by US Truck Driving School | Sep 24, 2015 6:18:41 PM

By now, you realize the Internet isn’t merely a fad and has become an indispensable part of our lives. Websites have gone from something that only professionals are able to create and are now created and maintained by “regular people,” most of whom have merely taken the initiative to learn how to create a site to share their feelings, experiences and expertise, many times in the form of blogs.

And of course, there are blogs for all situations and industries, and trucking is no different. To be certain truck drivers have more than their share of tremendous, insightful, and knowledgeable bloggers who offer their readers an inside look at the business they are in, how they cope, and how they find success behind the wheel of their big rigs.

If you are a truck driver or seriously want to be, you should have integrated into your daily rituals checking into some of these sites and checking out what they have to say. Of course, you can’t read all of them (do a Google search for “trucking blogs” and you’ll get about 1.1 million results; no, that’s not an exaggeration). So which blogs should you make part of your daily Web reading routine?

The real answer to that question is that you should read the trucking blogger whose content you find entertaining and informative. To that end, here are a few recommendations for your off-duty reading pleasure:

One Girl Trucking: Yes, guys, we’re starting off with a “girl” trucking blog. If you haven’t gotten off of the sexism train, it’s time to do so now, as women are in the business and are here to stay. And believe it or not, they have something meaningful to offer as well. Bethany drives a “long and low, flat-top Peterbilt” and offers the female perspective. Yes, she offers “Quick Truck Meal Ideas,” recipes that can get you guys out of those greasy spoon diners and putting something good in your stomachs, and she offers updates on her prized ducks, and tips for driving in the winter.

Trucking Truth: A no-frills, down-and-dirty blog for hardcore truckers, Trucking Truth’s Bret Aquila isn’t afraid to accompany articles about health concerns, pay questions, and distracted driving warnings with missives like “Is Trucking Worth It Anymore?” If you’re looking for digital bells and whistles, you’re likely to surf away disappointed. If you, on the other hand, want tremendous, authoritative content, you’re in the right place.

Ask the Trucker: Allen Smith is one of the big boys of the trucking industry. As host of a popular trucking radio show, Smith has achieved a level of fame among truck drivers, but still devotes some time to his blog. He offers news stories as his site’s backbone, as well as promoting his industry-leading radio show. You’ll be hard-pressed to find someone as knowledgeable about the trucking lifestyle as Smith, which makes his blog a must-visit.

Daniel S. Bridger’s Trucking Blog: A 30-year trucking veteran, Bridger knows that collaboration is the best way to maximize the amount of knowledge you can share. To that end, he employs a slate of guest bloggers to contribute their thoughts in addition to that he offers on his own. As a result, readers hear a variety of opinions from industry leaders as well as the expertise Bridger himself offers.

The Healthy Trucker: Ah yes, that most neglected of truck driver skills: staying healthy. The Healthy Trucker can help you maintain your figure while keeping yourself in tip-top shape, even when much of your employment centers on sitting in a vehicle driving. Truckers suffering from back pain (which is to say most of them), truckers who are running into problems eating right, and those who just want to prevent problems like that from occurring should check out this fantastic blog.